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viernes, 1 de abril de 2011


De: Jorge Luis llanes Naranjo Añadir a Contactos Para: carterweb@emory.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enviado: jue,31 marzo, 2011 15:31 Asunto: Mr. President.Jimmy Carter. Favor enviar esta carta o una peticion parecida al Sr. James Carter para que ayude a liberar a Eduardo Arocena. Correo a enviar: carterweb@emory.edu Mr. James. Carter Mr. President : I am happy for you resent visit to Cuba, one thing I cannot do, no because I am American citizen, born in Miami, is because I am helping to free Cuba from that communist regime that I cannot go, but I am happy you did. You had the opportunity to open the door a little for some members of the opposition, dissident and “illegal media”(user of Internet and Blogs), I may not agree 100% with all of them, but I am happy that they share with you ideas that put some of them in jail and others in constant danger . You said, the five Cuban spies have to be liberated, that they spent 12 years in jail that is enough. Well, there is one case of a Cuban prisoner in American jail, 27 years of imprisonment, 67 years old, I think is enough too, and his name is Eduardo Arocena, his number is 12573-004 I n Terra Houte FCI, he is there because his acts, but acting to free Cuba from the communist system . I think you may help too in this case. The community sends thousands of postcards and letters to different presidents and no one did anything positive in Eduardo Arocena’s favor, the Macheteros were liberated, Lolita Lebron and the other too, only the one that fought against the communist is still in jail, really I do not understand, Mr. President. I think is time you help this family. Thank You, Jorge Luis Llanes Naranjo Note: Family contact, Miriam Arocena 786-262-8796 http://www.defensaeduardoarocena.com/ http://arocena.blogspot.com/ http://www.libertadparaarocena.com/peticionenlinea.htm Nota importante:Esta carta fue redactada por Dionisio de la Torre Jr.

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